Saturday 24 August 2013

Long Time Update

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't been updating this blog as much as I should. Things have been hectic with life that makes all my free time almost completely depleted.

Any way I have been training hard with my PT and have lost a fair bit of weight. I have also lost 12cm off my waist which is fantastic! I also think my body shape has changed to some extent from my muscle gain. Also, on the point, I can now make a muscle with my arm! I know that's not the whole point of my fitness but it's fun to do and show off.

I'm still not there yet and I hope by May next year I look significantly different.

My goals are still the same; clear skinned, long hair and a smaller body.

I am also trying to make weekly goals for myself, like only eating healthy foods for at least three days and so on and so forth like that.

I have become pretty good with my routine, but since my mother has injured herself I have had to come away from my routine to help her along with her knew one which is a challenge, as we have to keep doing her physio training so that she will be able to use her hand again.

Anyway, come next week I'll have an update of the pictures I've missed of each month of my hair growth. It's not that much longer but every bit of length is something to celebrate!