Tuesday 3 September 2013

Post Twelve: Weigh in

Weight: 89.06Weight Loss: +1Total Exercise: 2 hrsSkin: Still blemished around chin an cheeks 

So I have said before on this blog, I have got myself a personal trainer. He’s a good bloke and he does help me a lot. God knows if I would actually exercise without a PT so he really is a god send. He does this thing where he takes my measurements and weighs me at the beginning of each month to chart my progress. He isn’t as concerned about weight loss as much as I am and focuses instead on whether or not my measurements are changing. He says because he is trying to make me have lean muscle mass.
I am also meant to be writing out a food diary, but I find I’m rather to slack with it, or when I do want to write down what food I consume, it’s not with me. I did try to keep it on me at all times back when I began using it but I soon  realised that I was so paranoid about writing something in it at all times that I was just getting too stressed over something so simple, and as I’m trying to grow out my hair stress is not a good thing.

 At any rate, today was weigh in day. He generally keeps the measurements to himself but I asked him what my measurements were so that I too could keep track of them here on the blog; Arm: 34.7cm, Chest: 105cm, Waist: 94cm (My PT is happy that I seem to loose a lot of my waist each weigh in.) Hips: 115cm and Legs: 65cm.
As you can also above in the update section I now weigh: 89.06kgs and have gained 1 kg since my last weigh in during Augusts’ weigh in.

 Also a few days ago I took out my hair length measurements I took in April and charted my hair growth to now. I have officially grown 7cm of my hair! Through winter too which is a pretty good result as hair grows slower in colder weather. Now that it’s spring I hope my hair will just grow like crazy.

I hope so at least.

My skin isn’t too much better. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I constantly browse though skin care forums and read all sorts of dermatologist articles about the face. I think it’s time to switch cleansing brands. Olay worked to get most of my face clear but now it’s just small and medium blemishes on my chin and cheeks. My black heads on the nose have days where they are so tiny they are barely noticeable to days where I’m paranoid that my nose looks like it’s full of craters.

 Well, that’s all for today. I’ll update everyone again next week.

- Hypothisos.

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