Tuesday 28 October 2014

Post Sixteen: UPDATE

Long time since I've posted onto this blog, and unfortunately I had a legitimate excuse.

In May I shattered my knee and had to receive a whole knee reconstruction. I can post my medical scars later but I have been pretty upset because I couldn't get around for a long time and was unable to do much exercising. It's amazing how much you actually need your knee for. Even now I can walk and squat and bend my knee, I am still unable to kneel, put pressure on or even run yet. It still hurts most of the time but my physiotherapist says in six months time the pain should be more of a distant thing.

I'll still update here because it's a selfish log of mine recording my hair length, weight and skin care which is what I like to write about because god knows I can be bothersome to my friends and family if all I talk about is my weight loss and hair length.

on better news, my previous client fired me because of my injury which meant I would be unable to work for a few months, but work rallied around and I was able to get 2 new full time clients which means I now will be making three times the amount I used too. it still means more work, but that is still good for me because I get into this sort of zen when I'm working.

So I won't be posting much, not that I posted a lot in the first place but it's still nice to feel like I'm recording things.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Post Fifteen

Weight: 87.3kg
Weight Loss: +0.7 kg
Exercise: 240 minutes
Skin: Visible reduction. No white heads.


Yes I've gained a bit of weight. Not a lot that I freak out, hell it's only 700 grams so it could just be I've had a sucky food day. So I'm not too concerned about that.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Post Fourteen

Weight: 86.7kg
Weight Loss: -
Exercise: 1 PT Session, Nightly bedtime workouts.
Skin: Cheeks, forehead and chin.

So. It has been a while. I am sorry for that and my excuses are pretty slim.