Wednesday 5 March 2014

Post Fifteen

Weight: 87.3kg
Weight Loss: +0.7 kg
Exercise: 240 minutes
Skin: Visible reduction. No white heads.


Yes I've gained a bit of weight. Not a lot that I freak out, hell it's only 700 grams so it could just be I've had a sucky food day. So I'm not too concerned about that.

I was going to get my friend to take two pictures of me but we didn't end up meeting up. (She had a reason I forgot and I just wanted to lay about all day and do absolutely nothing but watch CSI.) Just to take a quick pic of me in my bike pants and sports bra to illustrate how big I am and another of my hair length which I've noticed is longer than the last time I took a picture of it. I'm going to have to be a bit better at taking pics of it. I should be taking a photo of my hair each month so that I can see how much hair I've grown in a month so that I can see if the things I'm doing to my hair is working.

Like recently I've been doing hot oil treatments once a week on my hair and scalp with virgin coconut oil and tonight I've begun moisturising the ends with Argan oil. Holy god (my god not yours) does it smell good. Plus my hair feels so soft and smooth right now I don't know why I didn't try it sooner.

Oh yeah.

The really pricey price tag that it comes with.

Thankfully I don't have too many bills (just one car repayment and a gym fee) so I can afford it once and a while.

I didn't do as much working out as I could have this week but I did have three PT sessions included so that does work me extra hard in the exercise department. I've also got an hour and a half gym session with my friend tomorrow before we catch a movie.

I honestly can't decided if I should update on a Monday or Wednesday. Well. Time will tell.

- Hypothisos

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