Sunday 23 February 2014

Post Fourteen

Weight: 86.7kg
Weight Loss: -
Exercise: 1 PT Session, Nightly bedtime workouts.
Skin: Cheeks, forehead and chin.

So. It has been a while. I am sorry for that and my excuses are pretty slim.

I got pretty annoyed with my lack of weight loss and so I just decided to feel sorry for myself, and then when I did start to get back into the game my laptop of six years decided it was time to die-not-so-very quietly.

Of course this changes nothing.

Of course I have gotten back into the weight loss game. I have become vegetarian. Believe it or not I lost two kilo's in one week just from being on a strict veggie diet.

I have also made my portion sizes smaller and when I do feel hungry and it isn't my allotted eating time (I am being very strict on myself about this) I just drink enough water until I feel full.

I now just have to get my sleeping patterns back into order.

I have also begun to wear make up. Which is mainly because I want to hide my acne yet at the same time it is making it a little bit worse. Which sucks. For me. But hey, it wasn't going away on it's own so I decided to just cover it up.

I'm also trying my best to whiten my teeth. I brush my teeth like normal and three times a day I quickly go over them with this whitening toothpaste thingy.

I have no idea how best to describe it.

Any way, That's me.

I'll give everyone an update next week. (I am making this a weekly blog now.)


- Hypothisos

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