Saturday 8 October 2016

Post Twenty-one: Challenge so far

Hi all,

I've been having a blast with the daily walks. I definitely need to supplement them though because I'm just not getting enough~!

I was a bit bored on my lonesome walk on Day Seven so I filmed a little bit of myself -

I had a pretty fun time actually, while I was on my own. But I much prefer walking with someone. If only so I have someone to talk to. I was pretty proud of myself though. I feel so invigorated by all the things I've been doing. Today though I feel kind of out of sorts because I have no work and I've already had my walk.

Meal planning has been a bit on the back burner because I ran out of money and time this week to make it up. I did however make a bunch on Friday so that's all packed away for the rest of the week. It's pretty tasty. I had a bit of it for lunch today since I'm going out with friend tonight so I won't be home to eat it. I had half of one for lunch today and I'll eat the other half for lunch tomorrow when I get home. I just do much better with the pre-made meals because of my strange schedule. Work is morning and night with during the day free so I can't always make my own dinner which is why I rely so heavily on fast food. Thankfully with the meals already made and just sitting nicely in the fridge for my to heat up I don't have to spend money on getting bad food from fast food outlets. It's just so much easier. Of course I can't give up entirely on fast food. I'm just not that strong, but it does take away a lot of the reasoning and temptation to eat so horribly. I also downloaded a weight app. I try to weigh myself every day and the app is handy and keeps a good record of myself. The walking has definitely helped because I can see that the challenge is working for me and my body and at the rate I'm going I may be able to start losing a kilo a week!

I'm pretty happy with the meal planning and weight loss. I'm really excited to see if this will keep up and I'll be able to see a better me in a year's time.

Anyway, next week I think I'll post an update on my hair length. Joining the LongHairCommunity has really helped me with growing it out. I've joined in a few challenges with them and it's always active which is great!

More on that next week.

Walking at Bunnings Park
Cooking up my lovely chicken, rice and veggies

Chloe at cross roads

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