Wednesday 28 December 2016

Post Twenty-Three: Happy New Year~!

Well, here's to the last few days of 2016!

Versus everyone one in the rest of the world, I had a really good year. while on a global scale 2016 was by all accounts one of the shitest years in recent history, on a personal scale, I've had an amazing year! As you probably know from the blog already. My skin is fine, my hair has finally reached long-ish lengths and I traveled all around the pacific islands! What an awesome year!

In fact 2017 is probably going to be a terrible year for me. I only have $60 a fortnight to spend on personal things, that's  $120 a month. Urgh. I also want to get in shape, (as always) I'm a broken record at this point but this is the only way for me to do so. It may even help me from spending money if I just focus on weight loss. After all, my skin and hair are fine - It's just my weight I want to tackle now.

So 2017, year of the weight loss and $30 a week spending! 
(that hurts me in the soul)

I'm pretty good at limiting my spending. I just have to keep track of everything. I also have to unfortunate task of having to ask dad to pay my car rego this year... it's just too much for me to pay this year. Luckily for him, he knows I'll pay him back. It may be a year later but I never forget my debts.

See you in the new year!

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