Monday 20 February 2017

Post Twenty-four - It's so hot here

*Edited* I accidently deleted this post, but thankfully google chached it so I've just copied and pasted from the original.

Urgh, after a whole self realisation and mantras of "I can do it" I've just died because of how hot it is and how I no longer have a pool for me to even bother to do laps, or wade in. I may need to go to the local swimming pool. but it's like $5 each time for entry and I want to go everyday. 

No joke, the weather in Queensland has been atrocious and I haven't got air conditioning. It's ridiculous. Actually, I think I might go to the pool tomorrow. Fuck it. It's far too hot. And I have nothing better to do.

I have my class orientation on Monday night and I need to find my passport for that (because my licence has just been renewed and is in transit) and I can pick out my classes for the year.

I've decided that I'm just going to drive into every day. It's just quicker than taking the train. Parking is a pain and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have my car broken into while it's in the city but bleh. Plus, It means I'll have to park a ways away from TAFE so i'll be walking a distance everyday. Which will suck right now in summer, but will be great for me in the long run.

I've also started the monthly hair length challenge/forum on the Long Hair Community to see how long my hair will get in a year, from month to month. I've watched others on the forum do this for the last three or so years and it's really awesome to see. I thought now that my hair is at least at medium length, I could follow along.

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