Monday 20 February 2017

Post twenty-five: Update?

So I've had a few issues with the blogger app, in which I accidently deleted my post and I got annoyed and frustrated at how easily things get changed. Anyway, I've deleted the app and restricted myself to just using the PC. Even if it would be useful to use the app instead.

I've made up a little rule chart of something I found on the internet. I've found having these rules helps me a little with keeping myself on track. Rule two and nine are always on the forefront of my mind during the day and once I have unconsciously picked those two up, I should be fine picking up the others as I plod along.

 I did an hour each on Friday and Monday (and again today though I haven't put any photo up yet.)

On Friday I happily did most of my exercise on the Treadmill but I got super bored at what was meant to be a whole hour, so I did a bit of half and half. I might switch it up tomorrow and do forty-five minute on the bike and fifteen on the

 treadmill just jogging with a bit of running in between minutes.

My hair length is looking much better and smoother and the overall picture just looks better than January's pic. I'm very happy with how it worked out and I'm very happy with the little bit of length I've gained. I really do believe I'll be waist length by the end of the year if my hair keeps growing at this lovely consistency. 

For Comparison 

Well, that's all folks,

See you in the next update!

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