Monday 18 March 2019

Post twenty-six: Realisation - I must become the rabbit

Long time, no type.

Hair and skin are now a-o-k. I've been going to Ella Baché every four weeks for a facial and listening to my esthetician on how to keep my skin nice and I've put a whole lot of mental stock into permanent hair straightening, which I did in February, to keep my hair nice. Still actively/passively growing it - but it's now at waist length and covers my nips like a mermaid. So I'm all good on that front.

Two down, one to go.

I obviously want to get thinner and realistically, I'm very bad at stuff that needs my full attention. Like my entire body.

I've now put a lot into habit apps and am trying to use them to both break my fast food habit and create my jump rope habit.

Real talk: jump rope is HARD.

I watched a few videos on YouTube, a la "the Jump Rope Dudes" and I remember doing it as a kid and really enjoying it. I bought a cheap rope and did a whole 30 seconds and was unbelievably winded.

What. The. Fuck.

I turned to the jump rope dudes and lo & behold; this is a common problem for cardio losers like myself whose idea of any aerobic exercise is to pedal slowly on a bike and walk around from place to place, ambling passively.

I m not a fitness person, and I never will be, but what the heck! skipping was my all time favourite thing to do as a kid. So I've made it my personal mission to at least do a solid freaking minute of skipping without hating myself.

And of course eventually get to like, twenty minutes like they do in the videos. but Jesus! ONE MINUTE.

I conk out so quickly it's embarrassing. It shouldn't be that hard. It's jumping up and down! Which incidentally, I CAN do for a minute. Annoyingly, it's the coordination that comes with the bloody rope that seems to be the problem.

I've read up and some people use it as a meditative exercise but I've had fantasies of doing a kick ass jump rope routine to Daft Punk's "Hard, Better, Faster, Stronger"

Actual Driving home from work Fantasies.

I need to become a bunny. They hop and skip and can be nimble and quick.

I must become the rabbit.

Of jump rope.


Speaking of rabbits, I need to eat more veggies.

Taking fast food aside, I need to eat far more than I do. I've been eating with my client more and she's awesome at making meals out of practically nothing. I love it. I will never be able to do that, but I love it nevertheless.

She's really good at concocting meals out of veggies and meat that I just never thought about, or have thought about could never figure out how to put into practice.

I'm getting paid tomorrow and using a good portion of that to buy all the things for a zucchini slice she showed me how to make and I found a recipe I thought would be easy enough for me to follow for oat muffins so I have a grab and go option for breakfast since I NEVER EAT BREAKFAST OH.  MY. GOD.

Water intake is fine. I live in Australia. I need water to make it though the morning let alone the entire day. I have no idea how people can go a whole day without a drink of just plain water. That shit is life force.


I need to drink more green tea... which writing this has made me want to make some so here I am now with a freshly made green tea. Too hot just yet. Maybe when I finish editing this I'll drink it.

Well, that's all from me.

Next post, when ever. I guess.

- Jade W.

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