Monday 25 March 2013

First Post: Basic Introduction


I wanted to make a blog that is safely away from family and friends to comment on, but something that also satisfies my need to tell someone about how much weight I've lost or gained, how long my hair has from and if I've been doing enough fitness. I really need some haters to, well, hate me so that it will spur me on.

I'm not usually so vain, but I've hit a point in my life where I just want to be something that I have never been before, and that seems to want to conform to society's view of what is considered feminine and normal. I want to buy pretty, girly clothes and where my hair out and flowy and just be insanely girly. This probably won't last long but for now it is what is forcing me forward.

I current;y weigh 89kg. that's pretty damn big. I am a size sixteen and in the space of three months I went from a size 12 to 16. Not good. So I want to be a size 12 by the end of this year or smaller. Hopefully I can one day reach 45kgs but I'll really need to work at it.

My face is chock full of acne so I want that gone by the end of this year. I have already started a facial regime and lets see in three months time if it's been working or not.

Starting tomorrow I am going to begin a juice fast. I rapidly lost 3kg in a week with no exercise when I first did one so i hope if I fast for a month I should loose more than that. I have also bought a kinect to do light exercise too since I am certainly not fit enough to start jogging in the mornings and still make it to work. (I have tried and it just didn't work out.)

This is basicly a blog that follows my new years resolution. I doubt it will bring many people to look at it, but hey, I just need an outlet and this seems to be it.

pictures and such will probably be used through-out so just understand my ugly mug will be present.


- Hypothisos.

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