Wednesday 27 March 2013

Post Three: Workout

Thankfully yesterday got me a jump start on actually working out. I did ten minutes of stepping, a 2km speed walk and 20 sit ups. I figure this number will increase the more I work out. I still weigh 89kg's but thankfully I've been eating healthier foods and not eating such large portions.

Of course since my car is in the workshop, I have been stressing out which is bad for your body and to pay for this oversight I've had to increase my work-load. Since I'm a casual worker my work will make me go on forced holiday soon since I shouldn't be working so many hours. On the bright side, I'm so much better at my job.

My skin isn't great but I think the Cleanse-Tone-Moisturise pattern is working. I have also started adding sunscreen before I moisturise since I got sunburnt after yesterday's walk.

My hair is slightly longer than when I last got it cut, (I can now put it in a pony tail which is great) but I want to have shoulder length hair in three months. It probably isn't going to happen but I will persevere.

I will have to start my juice fast soon, but I wonder if I should do it when I'm not working as much since it really makes you weak and hungry for the first couple of days and that is a huge no-no in my line of work. I'll start when I think I can handle it.

That's all from me today.

- Hypothisos

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