Saturday 17 September 2016

Post Eighteen: Because I can

Because this is my blog to do what ever I want, here are all my favourite photos from the cruise I took.

Cute baby Turtle ♥
Climbing a tree by the beach in Tonga

Sunsets were pretty great

Super great

Feeding fishies in Fiji

Wonderful natural lake on top of a mountain

Swimming at Dravuni

Vanuatu blue lagoon

Baby turtles were a highlight
On our 2nd adventure in Vanuatu

Seriously, turtles

The garden of the sleeping giant

Sleeping giant meet sleepy Chloe


In Tonga

Fresh water lake in Fiji


First day on the boat!

First Stop

Vanuatu and it's blue lagoons

So stunning

Chloe looking majestic

Me having a ball

I cannot describe how massive it was

Our first island pub (we go to a few more...)



So pretty

The End!

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