Sunday 11 September 2016

Post Seventeen: Oh Wowie!

Weight: 90kgs
Weight Loss: Ha!
Exercise: 10 Minute FB video
Skin: Oh, I got news on this front!

Why hello old blog I've happily neglected! I've just returned from a great voyage across, or rather through the polynesian islands. It was wonderful and great even if I hated every second of the actual cruise...

But how I lived for shore days. Just look at that water!

Anyway I'm not 100% sure why I stopped posting to this blog because I have had my bouts of weight loss and I have never been more proud of my skin than these years and I really do attribute it to Laroche Posay skin care products. Persephone bless you for this product!

I won't lie and say my skin is completely clear but it has never been as clear as this since I was thirteen. I'm 22 now so that's been quite a long time.

Check out my hair length~!

How good is my hair length though~! It's come a fair way since Post Five. Still not as long as I've hoped it would be, but I'm damn proud of it. It's almost at bra strap length and from there it'll be a growth period until waist length, then hip and finally classic. I want my hair to be as long as my torso. From there I'll maintain it.

Some pics of me on my lovely holiday adventure! (See what I mean about my skin!?) 

To be fair to my actual main goal, which is to lose weight, I haven't really been trying hard enough. I have devised a plan but we'll see how well I stick to it.

Well, until next time!

- Hypothisos (AKA: Jade )

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