Saturday 24 September 2016

Post Nineteen: Meal Plans

We’ll,  I’ve joined the meal plan revolution. And you know what? It works.

For the last two weeks (the first was just a trial run to see if I could make it work) I have been making my dinner in bulk.

I’m not someone who needs a lot of variety anyway so eating the same thing for four days isn’t much of a bother. I am hoping as my body shrinks, the portions will stretch out a bit more bug for now four is the most I can do.

I do share a fridge and common kitchen with my family so I can only really have the meat part of meal plans prepared but steaming some veggies and making some rice isn’t exactly the hardest thing to do. Since the meat part is already there it just makes sense to make the sides when I want to have dinner. So far, it hasn’t been a problem.

I’ve been watching a lot of meal prepper videos on YouTube and as I grow more confident in my skills in the kitchen I might implement a few more things. So far I am content with just veggies and rice with my chicken.

I’ve also taken a shine to bananas for breakfast on early work days and brand cereal on non work days, purely because I can take my time in the mornings on non work mornings to actually crunch and much brekky.

I'd like to perhaps record this? Just to keep a record of it. I feel like if I keep things in writing where I'll see it, I know I'll have to do it. Especially publicly like this blog.

I’m also starting the 100 day Challenge with my friend Chloe. I’ll have to text her at the end of every day to see if she worked out as we both have wildly different schedules so we won’t be able to work out together. But I trust she’ll do her damnedest to win the challenge.

Also I know my hand drawn chart is very... Err, childlike? So long as I can keep an easy record of it, it shouldn't matter if it looks too silly. Though if this does work out for me, I may draw up a much nicer/cuter chart.

My 100 Days Chart

The challenge is very simple  (in theory) do something (in my case exercising) every day for 100 days. Record it and your progress to see the change and difference. I’ll be starting it this week. Today in fact. Sunday. My goal is to do 1 hour of exercise each day. I have the tools necessary to do so and Chloe can make her challenge something like walking for half an hour every day.

Well, that’s all my friends,
See you in the next update.

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