Monday 18 March 2019

Post twenty-six: Realisation - I must become the rabbit

Long time, no type.

Hair and skin are now a-o-k. I've been going to Ella Baché every four weeks for a facial and listening to my esthetician on how to keep my skin nice and I've put a whole lot of mental stock into permanent hair straightening, which I did in February, to keep my hair nice. Still actively/passively growing it - but it's now at waist length and covers my nips like a mermaid. So I'm all good on that front.

Two down, one to go.

I obviously want to get thinner and realistically, I'm very bad at stuff that needs my full attention. Like my entire body.

I've now put a lot into habit apps and am trying to use them to both break my fast food habit and create my jump rope habit.

Real talk: jump rope is HARD.

I watched a few videos on YouTube, a la "the Jump Rope Dudes" and I remember doing it as a kid and really enjoying it. I bought a cheap rope and did a whole 30 seconds and was unbelievably winded.

What. The. Fuck.

I turned to the jump rope dudes and lo & behold; this is a common problem for cardio losers like myself whose idea of any aerobic exercise is to pedal slowly on a bike and walk around from place to place, ambling passively.

I m not a fitness person, and I never will be, but what the heck! skipping was my all time favourite thing to do as a kid. So I've made it my personal mission to at least do a solid freaking minute of skipping without hating myself.

And of course eventually get to like, twenty minutes like they do in the videos. but Jesus! ONE MINUTE.

I conk out so quickly it's embarrassing. It shouldn't be that hard. It's jumping up and down! Which incidentally, I CAN do for a minute. Annoyingly, it's the coordination that comes with the bloody rope that seems to be the problem.

I've read up and some people use it as a meditative exercise but I've had fantasies of doing a kick ass jump rope routine to Daft Punk's "Hard, Better, Faster, Stronger"

Actual Driving home from work Fantasies.

I need to become a bunny. They hop and skip and can be nimble and quick.

I must become the rabbit.

Of jump rope.


Speaking of rabbits, I need to eat more veggies.

Taking fast food aside, I need to eat far more than I do. I've been eating with my client more and she's awesome at making meals out of practically nothing. I love it. I will never be able to do that, but I love it nevertheless.

She's really good at concocting meals out of veggies and meat that I just never thought about, or have thought about could never figure out how to put into practice.

I'm getting paid tomorrow and using a good portion of that to buy all the things for a zucchini slice she showed me how to make and I found a recipe I thought would be easy enough for me to follow for oat muffins so I have a grab and go option for breakfast since I NEVER EAT BREAKFAST OH.  MY. GOD.

Water intake is fine. I live in Australia. I need water to make it though the morning let alone the entire day. I have no idea how people can go a whole day without a drink of just plain water. That shit is life force.


I need to drink more green tea... which writing this has made me want to make some so here I am now with a freshly made green tea. Too hot just yet. Maybe when I finish editing this I'll drink it.

Well, that's all from me.

Next post, when ever. I guess.

- Jade W.

Monday 20 February 2017

Post twenty-five: Update?

So I've had a few issues with the blogger app, in which I accidently deleted my post and I got annoyed and frustrated at how easily things get changed. Anyway, I've deleted the app and restricted myself to just using the PC. Even if it would be useful to use the app instead.

Post Twenty-four - It's so hot here

*Edited* I accidently deleted this post, but thankfully google chached it so I've just copied and pasted from the original.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Post Twenty-Three: Happy New Year~!

Well, here's to the last few days of 2016!

Versus everyone one in the rest of the world, I had a really good year. while on a global scale 2016 was by all accounts one of the shitest years in recent history, on a personal scale, I've had an amazing year! As you probably know from the blog already. My skin is fine, my hair has finally reached long-ish lengths and I traveled all around the pacific islands! What an awesome year!

Sunday 16 October 2016

Post Twenty-two: Hair Length 2016 Update

Like I said last week, I would do an update of my hair length. It's now at Brastrap Length or BSL for short. 

Saturday 8 October 2016

Post Twenty-one: Challenge so far

Hi all,

I've been having a blast with the daily walks. I definitely need to supplement them though because I'm just not getting enough~!

I was a bit bored on my lonesome walk on Day Seven so I filmed a little bit of myself -

Saturday 1 October 2016

Post Twenty: First Week of 100 Day Challenge

Hi All,

As you know I've been doing a self proclaimed 100 day fitness challenge with my friend Chloe. She has a Blog about her journey here.