Wednesday 10 April 2013

Post Eight: Meals

Weight: 88kg
Weight Loss: 0kg
Total Exercise: N/A
Skin: Fewer blemishes

I've made up weekly check lists so that I can see that I'm getting my daily input of vegetables, fruits and protein. I'm also trying to space my meals apart into breakfast, lunch and dinner all at specific times so that I can only eat during those times. So far it's been working, but I haven't been exercising either so it may get a bit harder then when I do start jogging in the mornings. I'm trying to make it so that I have one egg per day so I've been making egg meals for breakfast. Lately it's been a fried egg with a fried slice of tomato on a non-stick pan so I don't have to add any oils or anything like that. I have the fried tomato there because fried egg on it's own is just too bland.

I have been a bit lax on my skin regime for the last three days, but my skin doesn't look like it's been breaking out due to forgetting the night crème, but I will have to make sure I keep up with it regardless.

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