Wednesday 17 April 2013

Post Nine: Long Time, No See. (Sorry for not updating in a while)

Weight: 88kg
Weight Loss: 0kgTotal Exercise: N/ASkin: Clearing up nicely

First of all, I want to remark how much better my skin is. The routine is working and I think if I stick to it I will have clear skin by the end of winter.

Secondly this not washing my hair deal is getting hard. I tried not to wash it until Sunday but i caved and ended washing it prematurely on Saturday.

And last of all I have been a terrible person when it comes to weight loss.

Of course my diet is in place. I am eating three meals a day, and no more than that. All of them small and mostly two out of three of them is good for me. I have even started to eat tuna. (Well I had some today.)

The problem is exercising. I'm just not good at motivating myself to do it. When I get up in the mornings I know I have to go to work and just don't want to get out of bed earlier than I have too. I also keep making excuses, like; "I can't jog today, I've got no head phones." Or, "Gosh darn. Can't go out today My clothes are getting washed later." 

I need to break myself out of this habit. 

It would probably be better to jog in the afternoons, but my brother would mock me and my mum would want to jog with me. 

Not that I hate my mother! I just can't deal with her constantly running forward waiting for me and then getting annoyed when i can't keep up. 

We've tried jogging together before and it's abundantly clear who is more fit than whom. 

Peace out guys,
I'll have more updates for you later. 

- Hypothisos

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