Saturday 6 April 2013

Post Six: Skin

Weight: 89kg
Weight Loss: 0kg
Total Exercise (mins): 15
Skin: Chin blemishes, forehead pimple.

Well, as promised I've taken some pictures of my chin and forehead to show my blemishes. They will be under the cut.

I've actually started using "Sukin Night Crème" instead of a toner and moisturiser after my cleanser before bed and I think my skin looks oodles better in the mornings. So I will continue with that routine. Unfortunately I think I need to find an appropriate moisturiser for my face since I think the Sorbolene is just making my face too greasy and gross. I think you can see the shine in the photo's due to the Sorbolene.

I am also on day four of not washing my hair. I am hoping to make it so that I only have to wash my hair once a week since the natural oils from your hair can help your hair grow faster. I think I'm going to make Sunday my hair washing night just so I have a frame of reference to wash wash it on. Of course I washed my hair on Monday this week but this Sunday I will wash it to start the cycle anew.

I've bought new sheets and pillow cases so that I now have three sets of sheets and pillow cases. Unfortunately I only have two body pillow cases since they are hard to come by. (I say this now and I bet you I will find copious amounts of body pillow cases in fun, cute prints every where.) I'm going to try to change my sheets around every two days so that I can keep yucky dead skin cells and oils off my face and body when I go to sleep, since I've seen this a lot of time mentioned in skin care forums. I just need to up my bedroom cleaning routine and hopefully I'll be able to keep it going.

As shown in the pictures, I have a butt load of acne. Hopefully in six weeks time I'll have less than I have now. I'm going to keep up with my skin regime. Crystal clear skin I need you.

Update soon,

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