Monday 29 April 2013

Post Ten: Fitness

Weight: 90kg
Weight Loss: N/ATotal Exercise: 30 mins Skin: Still only blemishy around the chin and lower cheeks.

Well, I have a surprising update. Come yesterday I no have a personal trainer. 

My brother is a fitness freak and bought a whole heap of gym equipment and because of that he got two free personal training sessions. He knew he was fit enough not to need one so he instead booked the PT in for our mother and in turn she asked if I could do it with her. I agreed and so yesterday the lovely PT came around and did a minor session with us the gauge our level and since it wasn't too bad mother and I decided to just take on Personal training on full time. So twice a week I'll have a session and she will leave us home work to do on the days we don't have her. 

I should slim down well by the end of this year so hazuh! 

My long term goal is to loose 50kg overall. I hope I loose a bit each week.

Well, that's my fitness. Since it will be May 1st on Wednesday, I'll be taking a picture of my hair length and posting it. I really do think I have grown my hair quite a bit but since my hair has a habit of curling upwards at the end, I'll straighten the ends just so I can see how far my hair has actually grown. 

I have been very lax with my skin lately, but I've gotten back into he routine this morning so hopefully I've balanced myself out for this week. 

Well that's all from me. I'll be bringing in my hair update tomorrow. 

- Hypothisos 

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