Tuesday 2 April 2013

Post Five: Hair Length

Weight: 89kg
Weight Lost: 0kg
Total Exercise (mins): N/A
Skin: Chin Blemishes, No signs of clearing

So, I hope you have noticed I'm going to start a little fact checker before each entry. I think it's a good way to keep record of my weight loss, my fitness and how my skin is going. And since I was spending the Easter weekend working and with family I had no time to post a picture of my hair length on the first of April and instead be doing it today on the third.

This is my current hair length now. I had a trim a three weeks ago so in another three or so weeks I will be going to have my hair trimmed again. The photo quality isn't great but since my digital camera won't connect to my computer I had to use my webcam to snap a picture.

My hair is currently touching my shoulders. I hope it will grow within the next few months.

I'll be taking a picture (if possible) on the first of every month in order to see the rate of my hair growth, and just so I know that it actually is growing.

Next week I'll take some pictures of my skin to also track their rate as well. I'm not 100% sure but I think the regime I currently have in place is working for my skin. With the picture tracking I'll be able to keep track.

- Hypothisos

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