Wednesday 28 December 2016

Post Twenty-Three: Happy New Year~!

Well, here's to the last few days of 2016!

Versus everyone one in the rest of the world, I had a really good year. while on a global scale 2016 was by all accounts one of the shitest years in recent history, on a personal scale, I've had an amazing year! As you probably know from the blog already. My skin is fine, my hair has finally reached long-ish lengths and I traveled all around the pacific islands! What an awesome year!

Sunday 16 October 2016

Post Twenty-two: Hair Length 2016 Update

Like I said last week, I would do an update of my hair length. It's now at Brastrap Length or BSL for short. 

Saturday 8 October 2016

Post Twenty-one: Challenge so far

Hi all,

I've been having a blast with the daily walks. I definitely need to supplement them though because I'm just not getting enough~!

I was a bit bored on my lonesome walk on Day Seven so I filmed a little bit of myself -

Saturday 1 October 2016

Post Twenty: First Week of 100 Day Challenge

Hi All,

As you know I've been doing a self proclaimed 100 day fitness challenge with my friend Chloe. She has a Blog about her journey here.

Saturday 24 September 2016

Post Nineteen: Meal Plans

We’ll,  I’ve joined the meal plan revolution. And you know what? It works.

Saturday 17 September 2016

Post Eighteen: Because I can

Because this is my blog to do what ever I want, here are all my favourite photos from the cruise I took.

Sunday 11 September 2016

Post Seventeen: Oh Wowie!

Weight: 90kgs
Weight Loss: Ha!
Exercise: 10 Minute FB video
Skin: Oh, I got news on this front!

Why hello old blog I've happily neglected! I've just returned from a great voyage across, or rather through the polynesian islands. It was wonderful and great even if I hated every second of the actual cruise...

But how I lived for shore days. Just look at that water!