Friday 11 October 2013

Post Thirteen

I'm upset.

I gained weight and my skin looks horrible.

On the bright side my hair has gotten a bit longer since I've been using biotin.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Post Twelve: Weigh in

Weight: 89.06Weight Loss: +1Total Exercise: 2 hrsSkin: Still blemished around chin an cheeks 

So I have said before on this blog, I have got myself a personal trainer. He’s a good bloke and he does help me a lot. God knows if I would actually exercise without a PT so he really is a god send. He does this thing where he takes my measurements and weighs me at the beginning of each month to chart my progress. He isn’t as concerned about weight loss as much as I am and focuses instead on whether or not my measurements are changing. He says because he is trying to make me have lean muscle mass.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Long Time Update

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't been updating this blog as much as I should. Things have been hectic with life that makes all my free time almost completely depleted.

Any way I have been training hard with my PT and have lost a fair bit of weight. I have also lost 12cm off my waist which is fantastic! I also think my body shape has changed to some extent from my muscle gain. Also, on the point, I can now make a muscle with my arm! I know that's not the whole point of my fitness but it's fun to do and show off.

I'm still not there yet and I hope by May next year I look significantly different.

My goals are still the same; clear skinned, long hair and a smaller body.

I am also trying to make weekly goals for myself, like only eating healthy foods for at least three days and so on and so forth like that.

I have become pretty good with my routine, but since my mother has injured herself I have had to come away from my routine to help her along with her knew one which is a challenge, as we have to keep doing her physio training so that she will be able to use her hand again.

Anyway, come next week I'll have an update of the pictures I've missed of each month of my hair growth. It's not that much longer but every bit of length is something to celebrate!

Monday 29 April 2013

Post Ten: Fitness

Weight: 90kg
Weight Loss: N/ATotal Exercise: 30 mins Skin: Still only blemishy around the chin and lower cheeks.

Well, I have a surprising update. Come yesterday I no have a personal trainer. 

My brother is a fitness freak and bought a whole heap of gym equipment and because of that he got two free personal training sessions. He knew he was fit enough not to need one so he instead booked the PT in for our mother and in turn she asked if I could do it with her. I agreed and so yesterday the lovely PT came around and did a minor session with us the gauge our level and since it wasn't too bad mother and I decided to just take on Personal training on full time. So twice a week I'll have a session and she will leave us home work to do on the days we don't have her. 

I should slim down well by the end of this year so hazuh! 

My long term goal is to loose 50kg overall. I hope I loose a bit each week.

Well, that's my fitness. Since it will be May 1st on Wednesday, I'll be taking a picture of my hair length and posting it. I really do think I have grown my hair quite a bit but since my hair has a habit of curling upwards at the end, I'll straighten the ends just so I can see how far my hair has actually grown. 

I have been very lax with my skin lately, but I've gotten back into he routine this morning so hopefully I've balanced myself out for this week. 

Well that's all from me. I'll be bringing in my hair update tomorrow. 

- Hypothisos 

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Post Nine: Long Time, No See. (Sorry for not updating in a while)

Weight: 88kg
Weight Loss: 0kgTotal Exercise: N/ASkin: Clearing up nicely

First of all, I want to remark how much better my skin is. The routine is working and I think if I stick to it I will have clear skin by the end of winter.

Secondly this not washing my hair deal is getting hard. I tried not to wash it until Sunday but i caved and ended washing it prematurely on Saturday.

And last of all I have been a terrible person when it comes to weight loss.

Of course my diet is in place. I am eating three meals a day, and no more than that. All of them small and mostly two out of three of them is good for me. I have even started to eat tuna. (Well I had some today.)

The problem is exercising. I'm just not good at motivating myself to do it. When I get up in the mornings I know I have to go to work and just don't want to get out of bed earlier than I have too. I also keep making excuses, like; "I can't jog today, I've got no head phones." Or, "Gosh darn. Can't go out today My clothes are getting washed later." 

I need to break myself out of this habit. 

It would probably be better to jog in the afternoons, but my brother would mock me and my mum would want to jog with me. 

Not that I hate my mother! I just can't deal with her constantly running forward waiting for me and then getting annoyed when i can't keep up. 

We've tried jogging together before and it's abundantly clear who is more fit than whom. 

Peace out guys,
I'll have more updates for you later. 

- Hypothisos

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Post Eight: Meals

Weight: 88kg
Weight Loss: 0kg
Total Exercise: N/A
Skin: Fewer blemishes

I've made up weekly check lists so that I can see that I'm getting my daily input of vegetables, fruits and protein. I'm also trying to space my meals apart into breakfast, lunch and dinner all at specific times so that I can only eat during those times. So far it's been working, but I haven't been exercising either so it may get a bit harder then when I do start jogging in the mornings. I'm trying to make it so that I have one egg per day so I've been making egg meals for breakfast. Lately it's been a fried egg with a fried slice of tomato on a non-stick pan so I don't have to add any oils or anything like that. I have the fried tomato there because fried egg on it's own is just too bland.

I have been a bit lax on my skin regime for the last three days, but my skin doesn't look like it's been breaking out due to forgetting the night crème, but I will have to make sure I keep up with it regardless.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Post Seven: Drinks

Weight: 88kg
Weight Loss: 1kg
Total Exercise (mins): N/A
Skin: Clearing up.

I have been very impressed. I'm not sure if it's because I've been using the Sukin night crème or because I've switched moisturisers but my skin is beginning to clear up so much it's insane. I'm loving it so much.

Also, I've been uping my drink intake. I drink 1.25 litres of water and three and half cups of green tea  a day.  I heard green tea is good for your skin and has some other health benefits so I decided to drink the recommended amount (Most articles I've found browsing the internet say three cups. I think they mean just whatever mug you can find, but I've measured three and a half actual cups.)

I don't know what else I should be drinking, so I'll stick with these two things for now.

I feel terrible about not exercising, but I feel awkward with my family at home. I'll probably do better when the holidays end. When everyone is at work. And school.


Saturday 6 April 2013

Post Six: Skin

Weight: 89kg
Weight Loss: 0kg
Total Exercise (mins): 15
Skin: Chin blemishes, forehead pimple.

Well, as promised I've taken some pictures of my chin and forehead to show my blemishes. They will be under the cut.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Post Five: Hair Length

Weight: 89kg
Weight Lost: 0kg
Total Exercise (mins): N/A
Skin: Chin Blemishes, No signs of clearing

So, I hope you have noticed I'm going to start a little fact checker before each entry. I think it's a good way to keep record of my weight loss, my fitness and how my skin is going. And since I was spending the Easter weekend working and with family I had no time to post a picture of my hair length on the first of April and instead be doing it today on the third.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Post Four: Easter

Since it's Easter I won't be doing much other than working and eating with my family so I won't be keeping track of my weight (foods) or fitness. I'll still be focusing on my skin and hair, but since that's a routine that isn't going to change it's fairly basic.

Come Tuesday, I will be back to weight loss and fitness.

Happy Easter!

- Hypothisos

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Post Three: Workout

Thankfully yesterday got me a jump start on actually working out. I did ten minutes of stepping, a 2km speed walk and 20 sit ups. I figure this number will increase the more I work out. I still weigh 89kg's but thankfully I've been eating healthier foods and not eating such large portions.

Of course since my car is in the workshop, I have been stressing out which is bad for your body and to pay for this oversight I've had to increase my work-load. Since I'm a casual worker my work will make me go on forced holiday soon since I shouldn't be working so many hours. On the bright side, I'm so much better at my job.

My skin isn't great but I think the Cleanse-Tone-Moisturise pattern is working. I have also started adding sunscreen before I moisturise since I got sunburnt after yesterday's walk.

My hair is slightly longer than when I last got it cut, (I can now put it in a pony tail which is great) but I want to have shoulder length hair in three months. It probably isn't going to happen but I will persevere.

I will have to start my juice fast soon, but I wonder if I should do it when I'm not working as much since it really makes you weak and hungry for the first couple of days and that is a huge no-no in my line of work. I'll start when I think I can handle it.

That's all from me today.

- Hypothisos

Monday 25 March 2013

Post Two: Unexpected

I was going to make today's entry about how I started my juice diet and did a little light exercise, but instead the fates intervened and so I took a crash course in fitness today.

My car broke down just after work and I had to walk all the way from the mechanic's to my house. That's a 7km walk. But I did it and I was barley out of breath so kudos for me finding out I'm not as unfit as I previously believed I was.

Of course, since I was under the impression I was going to start my juice fast today I didn't end up eating any breakfast so by the time I got home I was extremely hungry and juice certainly wouldn't sate my hunger so I ended up having to make myself a serving of scrabbled eggs since they are still beneficial in protein. (I do think some of these things through.)

All in all while today didn't go exactly as I had expected, it still turned out with some good results.

- Hypothisos

First Post: Basic Introduction


I wanted to make a blog that is safely away from family and friends to comment on, but something that also satisfies my need to tell someone about how much weight I've lost or gained, how long my hair has from and if I've been doing enough fitness. I really need some haters to, well, hate me so that it will spur me on.

I'm not usually so vain, but I've hit a point in my life where I just want to be something that I have never been before, and that seems to want to conform to society's view of what is considered feminine and normal. I want to buy pretty, girly clothes and where my hair out and flowy and just be insanely girly. This probably won't last long but for now it is what is forcing me forward.

I current;y weigh 89kg. that's pretty damn big. I am a size sixteen and in the space of three months I went from a size 12 to 16. Not good. So I want to be a size 12 by the end of this year or smaller. Hopefully I can one day reach 45kgs but I'll really need to work at it.

My face is chock full of acne so I want that gone by the end of this year. I have already started a facial regime and lets see in three months time if it's been working or not.

Starting tomorrow I am going to begin a juice fast. I rapidly lost 3kg in a week with no exercise when I first did one so i hope if I fast for a month I should loose more than that. I have also bought a kinect to do light exercise too since I am certainly not fit enough to start jogging in the mornings and still make it to work. (I have tried and it just didn't work out.)

This is basicly a blog that follows my new years resolution. I doubt it will bring many people to look at it, but hey, I just need an outlet and this seems to be it.

pictures and such will probably be used through-out so just understand my ugly mug will be present.


- Hypothisos.